Sexual incompatibility is a myth. Dismantling this limiting belief is a core mission for Jaiya Ma. Jaiya is a somatic sexologist, sexological bodyworker, and creator of the Erotic Blueprints. 

Developed as a response to feeling her “…juicy sexuality…shriveling on a vine…” the Erotic Blueprints aim to teach you about your erotic language of arousal. For Jaiya, it isn’t a lack of compatibility, but rather a lack of fluency in each other’s erotic language of arousal that halts sexual chemistry.

What are Erotic Blueprints? 

Using over 20 years of sexological experience as a foundation for her sexual research, Jaiya noticed common patterns of both arousal and disconnection among her clients. What turned one person on could turn someone else off. 

Armed with research, Jaiya developed a framework that could help couples learn to communicate their individual pleasure languages. 

The framework includes 5 Erotic Blueprint Types – Energetic, Sensual, Sexual, Kinky, and Shapeshifter. Below, we’ll explore how to use the Erotic Blueprint to transform your sex life.

How You Show Up: The 5 Erotic Blueprint Types

Similar to learning your love language, the first step to learning your pleasure language is to discover your individual Erotic Blueprint Type. You can do that by taking the quiz here

The 5 Erotic Blueprint Types 

Energetic: The anticipation of sex is this type’s main turn-on. They enjoy the build-up, teasing, eye-gazing, and thrive on feeling the sexual energy and tension. 

Sensual: The sensual type wants all their senses to be stimulated. They bring artistry. They seek beauty, sights, smells, and touch. They are able to reach a full body orgasm through the stimulation of their senses. They bring intense sensuality to the bedroom. 

Sexual: The sexual type is turned-on by what we usually think of as sex in our culture – nudity, porn, penetration, genitals. They get aroused easily and appreciate the simplicity of a straightforward approach to sex. 

Kinky: The kinky type is fired up by what they as individuals consider taboo. There are two kinky types: someone who is more psychological, like in power dynamics. The second is someone who is more sensation-driven such as enjoying impact play or the feel of rope. 

Shapeshifter: A shapeshifter enjoys everything – energetic, sensual, sexual, and kinky. They are driven by a hunger for novelty and variety. They want it all. 

After learning your individual pleasure language, you can explore the erotic language of your lover, partner, or spouse. Empowered with this knowledge, you can begin learning each other’s languages and build a pleasure map. 

Borrowing from Dr. Gottman’s concept of lovemapping – building love maps as you learn your partner’s world – pleasure mapping is what you do as you learn your partner’s pleasure landscape. Just as with lovemapping, the pleasure mapping journey can last a lifetime. 

Is Your Erotic Type Really That Important?

Media and magazines are full of sexual techniques to keep your sex life alive. The sheer volume of advice alone indicates a deep need for education on igniting and sustaining a vibrant sex life. 

The problem is that these sex techniques don’t work. They can backfire and cause trauma if applied incorrectly or on the wrong person. Every person has their individual blueprint of what they experience as pleasure. 

Just like gaining awareness of your attachment style can help you enhance your style of relating in relationships, learning your unique Erotic Blueprint can help you unleash unexplored areas of pleasure in your sex life.

Unleashing Your Pleasure: Using Your Erotic Blueprint Type to Enhance Your Sex Life

Knowing your type empowers you to get your needs met and your desires fulfilled. Here are some tips on how to apply what you’ve learned based on individual Erotic Blueprint Type

Energetic: Engage in slow, lingering kisses, experiencing each other’s breath, light or hovering touches. 

Sensual: Take the time to set up a luscious, multisensory environment complete with mood music, massage candles, scented baths, massages with body oils, running feathers or furs against the skin. 

Kinky: First and foremost, get educated on safety and consent in kink. Then, try taking a ropes course, educate yourself on power dynamics, learn how to use a whip or paddle, or explore how those instruments feel on your body. This is the most creative of types with wide possibilities. Experiment (safely and consensually)!

Shapeshifter: Your appetite is your gift. You are turned on by all of the things under the above types. Explore them at will and practice communicating your desires. Above all, don’t ever believe your needs and desires are “too much”.

Pleasure For All

Everyone has a unique erotic language of arousal. Just like tools like Lovemapping, The 5 Love Languages, and attachment styles help you enhance your relationships, the Erotic blueprints can help you unlock your pleasure. 

Written by:

Bo Bonilla


Graduate of Sextech School and Founder/Co-host of the Sextech Desexified podcast.


Take the Erotic Blueprint Type Quiz to begin your journey of unleashing your sex life or check out In Tune, our card game for couples by Therapists to connect with your partner!